Chewing bubble gum, with a casual manner, the criminal confessed his principal crime except some minor details that were omitted. 漫不经心地,一边嚼着口香糖,罪犯坦白了他的主要罪行,虽然有一些细枝末节被遗漏。
The stability of linear periodic coefficient systems are obtained by using the method of order principal minor determinant. 利用顺序主子式判别法得到线性周期系数系统的稳定性。
Set up the sincere obligation to the minor stockholder of principal shareholder and protect the benefit of the minor shareholder. 建立大股东对小股东的诚信义务,不损害小股东的利益。
Some equivalent conditions of the positive definite complex matrix are given. The eigenvalues of its principal minor matrix and inequalities of determinants 'model are discussed, and the Schur complement is extended to positive definite complex matrix. 给出正定复矩阵的若干个等价条件,讨论了正定复矩阵的主子阵的特征值、行列式模的不等式及正定复矩阵的Schur补。
Neural Learning Algorithms for Principal and Minor Components Analysis and Applications 主分量和次分量神经网络学习算法及应用
An Inductive Proof of a Symmetric Matrix with Every Principal Minor Nonnegative Being Positive Semi-Definite 主子式非负推出矩阵半正定的归纳法证明
In this Paper, we discuss the relationship between distribution of discrete variable in probability and toeplitz matrices, the principal minor sequence of several types of toeplitz matrices and obtain some results. 本文探讨了与概率论中的离散型随机变量分布律有关的Toeplitz矩阵的顺序主子式,得到了一些结果。
Principal component analysis ( PCA) and minor component analysis ( MCA) provide powerful statistical techniques in many information processing fields such as image processing, direction-of-arrival problems, communication technology, and so on. 在图像处理、通讯技术等信息处理领域中,主成分分析(PCA)和小成分分析(MCA)是很常用的一种方法。
Between principal shareholders and minor stockholders, the focal point is overcoming the problem that principal shareholders press the minor stockholders. 在大股东和小股东之间,重点应当克服大股东压榨小股东的问题。
While direction of previous main faults that intersect the maximum principal stress by minor angle also probably becomes the major migration direction of oil and gas. 与最大主应力小角度相交的先期主要断裂的方向也可能成为油气运移的主要方向。
Keeping both major and medium principal stresses unvaried and increasing minor principal stress are a potential stress path in practical projects such as the impounding of earth and stone dam and the backfilling of earthwork. 保持大主应力、中主应力不变,增大小主应力是实际工程中可能存在的一种应力路径,土石坝蓄水和土方回填等就类似这种加荷方式。
The principal minor sequence of several types of Toeplitz matrices 几类Toeplitz矩阵的顺序主子式
One measures the distance between an unknown pattern and the principal subspace; the other measures the distance between an unknown pattern and the minor subspace. 其中一个是待识模式与主子空间的距离,另一个是待识模式与次子空间的距离。
The principal stress in passive direction is entirely determined by the constitutive relationship of soil, which may be the major, intermediate or minor principal stress in different conditions. 平面应变状态下被动方向的主应力完全取决于土的本构关系,并不总是中主应力,在不同条件下可能为小主应力、中主应力或者大主应力。
It is found that the coefficient of intermediate principal stress will play an important role in controlling the undrained shear strength parameters of loose sands while its effects on both effective stress paths and the variation patterns of the relation between stress and strain is relatively minor. 研究表明,中主应力系数对在不排水单调剪切条件下饱和松砂的强度参数具有显著的影响,而对有效应力路径及应力-应变关系发展模式影响较小。
With stiffness increasing of the filling material, the maximum value of principal stress in dam body slightly decreased, while the maximum value of minor principal stress slightly increased. 随坝体填料刚度的增加防渗墙的大主应力最大值略有减小,而小主应力最大值略有增大。
The performance of the community leader role dislocation include, the dislocation in responsibility outside role and responsibility role, the dislocation of the principal role and minor character, the dislocation of the new role and traditional role. 社区领导者角色的错位表现主要是职责内角色与职责外角色错位,主要角色与次要角色错位,新角色与传统角色错位。
Compared with principal component analysis, factor analysis and AHP, choose factor analysis as the main evaluation method, and SEM as the minor method, and make more objective. 在方法的选择上,综合比较主成分分析法、因子分析法和层次分析法后,选用因子分析法作为主要评价方法,选取结构方程模型作为辅助方法加以参考,更具有客观性。